Who are Noble Neighbors?
We are the residents and business owners in the northeast quadrant of Cleveland Heights, Ohio. We are the most diverse neighborhood in the city, and we cherish that variety! Our diversity encompasses economic and social statuses, American and international origins, political and religious preferences. But, on this we all agree - we have chosen to live as neighbors and we are working together to make this neighborhood a safe, friendly, beautiful, and thriving place to live. C'mon over! Move on in!
We live on: Allston, Beverly, Bluestone, Boynton, Brinkmore, Burbridge, Cambridge, Cleveland Heights Blvd., Clifford, Edison, Elbon, Elmwood, Englewood, Fenley, Glenwood, Helmsdale, Inglewood, Keystone, Kirkwood, Langton, Lowell, Lynn Park, Maple, Mayfield, Middleton, Montevista, Monticello, Montford, Mount Laurel, Noble, Nobleshire, Northampton, Oakridge, Orchard, Oxford, Parkdale, Pennfield, Princeton Blvd., Quarry, Quilliams, Renfield, Roanoke, Rosemond, Rushleigh, St. Albans, Summit Park, Sylvania, Tremont, Vandemar, Vineshire, Windsor, Wood, Woodridge, Woodview and Yellowstone to name a few.
We need folks from your street, too! Join us!
We live on: Allston, Beverly, Bluestone, Boynton, Brinkmore, Burbridge, Cambridge, Cleveland Heights Blvd., Clifford, Edison, Elbon, Elmwood, Englewood, Fenley, Glenwood, Helmsdale, Inglewood, Keystone, Kirkwood, Langton, Lowell, Lynn Park, Maple, Mayfield, Middleton, Montevista, Monticello, Montford, Mount Laurel, Noble, Nobleshire, Northampton, Oakridge, Orchard, Oxford, Parkdale, Pennfield, Princeton Blvd., Quarry, Quilliams, Renfield, Roanoke, Rosemond, Rushleigh, St. Albans, Summit Park, Sylvania, Tremont, Vandemar, Vineshire, Windsor, Wood, Woodridge, Woodview and Yellowstone to name a few.
We need folks from your street, too! Join us!
What is our purpose?
We are networking with each other to foster growth in this great community. We are working with the city to find development resources. We are looking for more partners in the business, real estate, cultural and social service sectors who can help us thrive. We need your energy and talents, too.
Ready to roll up your sleeves?
What does "Join" mean?
You're joining our email list. A meeting reminder email is sent monthly. Occasionally, additional emails are sent when we're organizing an event.
There is no membership fee or attendance obligation, but we do hope you will come to our meetings. They pulse with energy from so many people who are describing so many creative initiatives to help our neighborhood thrive! Financial investment gives us greater ability to host events.
We indeed have formed a culture over the past several years which has now become our community norm. We start from the posture that our neighborhood has assets and we seek to support them and help them flourish. Certainly, there are problems in every neighborhood, but we've learned that a myopic focus primarily on problems only breeds more discontent. Discontent produces crabby people. Crabby people make unpleasant meetings. Nobody comes back to meetings full of crabby people crabbing their discontent.
Rather, we consider the potential and the opportunity that our shortfalls present. We spend our energy, time and financial resources to cause our people, institutions and businesses to flourish. Social Science research informs our perspective - the more we care, the more we are visible, the more we are active, the more we just simply make our place more lovely - crime is reduced, property values rise, and people are attracted who want to contribute.
Join our email list, but also look for the best ways you can join our efforts, too!
There is no membership fee or attendance obligation, but we do hope you will come to our meetings. They pulse with energy from so many people who are describing so many creative initiatives to help our neighborhood thrive! Financial investment gives us greater ability to host events.
We indeed have formed a culture over the past several years which has now become our community norm. We start from the posture that our neighborhood has assets and we seek to support them and help them flourish. Certainly, there are problems in every neighborhood, but we've learned that a myopic focus primarily on problems only breeds more discontent. Discontent produces crabby people. Crabby people make unpleasant meetings. Nobody comes back to meetings full of crabby people crabbing their discontent.
Rather, we consider the potential and the opportunity that our shortfalls present. We spend our energy, time and financial resources to cause our people, institutions and businesses to flourish. Social Science research informs our perspective - the more we care, the more we are visible, the more we are active, the more we just simply make our place more lovely - crime is reduced, property values rise, and people are attracted who want to contribute.
Join our email list, but also look for the best ways you can join our efforts, too!