We Are Noble 2018 video
Turn up your sound!
Turn up your sound!
May 18-20, 2018
We're celebrating our neighborhood and showcasing so many wonderful assets! We want to attract more terrific residents and fabulous businesses! Join us!
Every resident is welcome to host a yard sale at their residence.
Every business is welcome to attract new customers.
Every institution is welcome to showcase the gifts they offer which make them a community asset.
Every resident is welcome to host a yard sale at their residence.
Every business is welcome to attract new customers.
Every institution is welcome to showcase the gifts they offer which make them a community asset.
2018 Schedule
Interactive Google map below. Printable maps and schedule below.
Friday, May 18

Oxford Family Fun Fest 6-8pm Oxford Elementary School PTA's Family Fun evening at Oxford School, Qulliams just north of Noble Road. Food, drummers, fun!
6:00 Jungle Terry's animal and reptile show
7:00 Carlos Jones Reggae Band
Movie: Coco 7pm Noble Road Presbyterian Church, 2780 Noble Rd., is showing this movie for free! This 2017 Pixar animated movie tells the story of an aspiring musician, Miguel. When confronted with his family's ancestral ban on music, Miguel enters the Land of the Dead to find his great-great-grandfather, a legendary singer.
Saturday, May 19

Yard Sales All Day! Check out our map, follow the signs, or look for the sales on GarageSaleFinder.com They're all over the neighborhood! Look for sales on:
Glenwood Road, Montevista Road, Brentwood Road, Quilliams Road, Parkdale Road, Randolph Road, Langton Road, Englewood Road, Montford Rd, Quarry Drive, Inglewood Drive, Monticello near Pennfield, Allston and more!
Glenwood Road, Montevista Road, Brentwood Road, Quilliams Road, Parkdale Road, Randolph Road, Langton Road, Englewood Road, Montford Rd, Quarry Drive, Inglewood Drive, Monticello near Pennfield, Allston and more!
Pancake Breakfast 9-11am Bethel Church, 2706 Noble Road is hosting an all-you-can-eat breakfast! Donations accepted.
Coffee and Donuts with the Cops 9 - 11am Precinct 3 is a newly designated facility on Noble Rd. at Greyton Rd. Join the CHPD for coffee and donuts while meeting the Community Response Team and shaking hands with K-9 unit furry officers!
Tool Sale 9am-1pm Home Repair Resource Center, 2520 Noble Rd, is selling hand tools, power tools, ladders and other home repair supplies. Come early! They may close before 1pm if they sell out!
Baby Items Shop, Cookout 9am - 1pm, Peace Lutheran Church, 3740 Mayfield Road. Baby clothing and supplies are free with ID and proof of residency. Hot dogs, hamburgers and chips are available starting at 11am. Donations accepted.

Plant Sale, Bake Sale, Rummage Sale 10am - 2pm, Noble Road Presbyterian Church Parking Lot: across the street from the church at Noble Road and Navahoe Road. Lots of treats and treasures! Our Nepali families will sell their handcraft, too!
Chalk Walk, 10am - 2pm, Noble/Roanoke mini-park. Kids of all ages can have fun making chalk art on the sidewalks of this new park space!
Chalk Walk, 10am - 2pm, Noble/Roanoke mini-park. Kids of all ages can have fun making chalk art on the sidewalks of this new park space!
Sports at the Park, Hot Dogs, too! 10am - 3pm, Denison Park, Quarry Road. Play games on the soccer field and basketball courts. Try out tennis and pickle ball on the tennis courts. Enjoy a hot dog!
Talent of the Heights 11am - 4pm, on the vacant city lot on Noble Road near Woodview Road. Music, performing arts acts, food and vendors! It's a festival! All this fabulous event needs is YOU! Check out the businesses along Noble Road who have sidewalk sales and specials! Join us here at 1:30pm for our Neighborhood Line Dance! No experience necessary!
Ice Cream Sundaes, 1 - 3pm, Church of the Master, 4050 Monticello, welcome guests to enjoy a sweet, cold treat.
Police Academy Demos 1 - 3pm, The Martin G. Lentz Police Academy is housed in an old fire station on Noble, just north of Monticello. Come check out the building, watch equipment demos and meet Citizen's Police Academy graduates. There's a small museum here, too!
Nepali Cultural Exchange 1 - 3pm, Noble Library, 2800 Noble Rd. Our Nepali refugee community is pleased to share their culture with us! Come taste their food, enjoy their music, and learn a phrase or two in the Nepali language!
Teen Talk 2 - 4pm, Noble Library, 2800 Noble Rd. Neighborhood Teens will form a panel of experts! Come talk with them! Also look for the library's book give-a-way and crafts for kids all weekend.
Car Wash 2 - 4pm, 2285 Noble Road, Central Bible Baptist Church's youth are giving a gift to the neighbors - a free car wash!
Sunday, May 20
Oxford School Student Art Show 11:30am, Peace Lutheran Church, 3740 Mayfield Road is pleased to display Oxford Elementary School students' artwork. The art reception immediately follows their 10am Sunday service. You're welcome to attend the service and the reception!

Woodview Hope Garden Tours
1- 4pm, Woodview Hope Garden, 930 Woodview Road, produces thousands of pounds of vegetables each summer which they donate to area food pantries. Stop by this fabulous garden and see this community asset as they prepare for the summer season.
1- 4pm, Woodview Hope Garden, 930 Woodview Road, produces thousands of pounds of vegetables each summer which they donate to area food pantries. Stop by this fabulous garden and see this community asset as they prepare for the summer season.
Real Estate Open Houses 1 - 3pm, Find houses for sale and ready to tour all over the neighborhood. Follow signs, check out newspaper listings, and follow our map!
Teen Talk 2 - 4pm, Noble Library, 2800 Noble Rd. Neighborhood Teens will form a panel of experts! Come talk with them! Also look for the library's book give-a-way and crafts for kids all weekend.
How Do I...?
... Hold a yard sale? Great! we need sales all over the neighborhood to draw people in.
1. Send an email to [email protected] with your yard sale address BY MAY 11 to get your street on our map. Only your address. We'll map your street, but not your sale items - those details happen in the next step.
2. Go to GarageSaleFinder.com to list your address, date, time and sale items. This is really important! The more sales that are listed in one area, the greater the crowd we draw to all of them.
3. Make signs to direct people from the main road to your sale. Put them up for your sale, and take 'em down when it's done. Be creative with color and BIG THICK letters.
4. Print maps from our web page to hand out to your visitors. Help them find other sales and events. You can find the completed maps after May 16 at the bottom of this page.
1. Send an email to [email protected] with your yard sale address BY MAY 11 to get your street on our map. Only your address. We'll map your street, but not your sale items - those details happen in the next step.
2. Go to GarageSaleFinder.com to list your address, date, time and sale items. This is really important! The more sales that are listed in one area, the greater the crowd we draw to all of them.
3. Make signs to direct people from the main road to your sale. Put them up for your sale, and take 'em down when it's done. Be creative with color and BIG THICK letters.
4. Print maps from our web page to hand out to your visitors. Help them find other sales and events. You can find the completed maps after May 16 at the bottom of this page.
...Get a map of We Are Noble events? Helpful! Scroll down - the Google interactive map is there. Click on and off layers to help you navigate the neighborhood. You can use it on your phone!
The Printable Map has two pages. Click on either page to print in color or black and white.
The Printable Map has two pages. Click on either page to print in color or black and white.

...Print a copy of the flyer so I can pass it out to my neighbors?
Bravo! Thanks for encouraging others to participate. Some neighbors print one copy, write a hand-written message in the margin, then print many copies from this one to hand out. Some have encouraged others on the street to have yard sales, others encouraged folks to attend events. Maybe you could also suggest getting together for a block party this summer!
Bravo! Thanks for encouraging others to participate. Some neighbors print one copy, write a hand-written message in the margin, then print many copies from this one to hand out. Some have encouraged others on the street to have yard sales, others encouraged folks to attend events. Maybe you could also suggest getting together for a block party this summer!
Click on the Google interactive map
Printable Maps. Click on each map. Print in color or B&W
Event Map |
Yard Sale and Open House Map |